Wolverine Shoot

Wolverine Shoot
Big T's Surplus Collection
People Eating Tasty Animals (hunting)
This Old Caliber (Shooting/Reloading)
Bowling for Cosmoline
Other Interest/ Misc
My Links

Wolverine Shoot Pictures 1

Wolverine Shoot Pictures 2


The Wolverine Shoot was a huge success. A total of 7 people from the surplusrifle.com forum showed up along with two guests. While the day turned out to be a great time it did not start that way. At about 5:00am I was awoken to thunderstorms, about 6:00 the thunder stopped but the rain continued. Driving to the range I experienced some heavy rain. The whole time I was thinking that nobody would show up. About 10 miles from the range the gun gods looked down and the weather broke, it was sunny for the rest of the day with a great turn out.

I decided to bring everything that I could stuff in a gun case. The entire Enfield collection came, both SKS’s and the K31 and M95. I brought the Turk Mauser as back-up but it never got a chance to be shot. I started out with my Yugo SKS and it took about 15 rounds to loosen up. Everyone there just kicked back and threw bullets down range at the bowling pins that I brought. It turned out to be a very relaxing shoot; all the guys there were very fun to shoot with.

The main target of the day ended up being bowling pins, with balloons & apples get there share of target time. Many times after we reset the pins it was a race to shoot the pins. Often times there were up to three people shooting at the same pin at one time.  I would have my sights set on one just to see it tumble over by someone else’s bullet. The night before the shoot I threw together a bowling pin swing from scrap wood. Well to say the least it did not last long, someone hit the top beam and between the dancing the bowling pins were doing it broke, a heavy duty one is in the works.

Near the end of the shoot Crowkill1 brought out a golf ball & tee. We put it out at 50 yards on top what was left of my bowling pin swing; each of us got 1 shoot at it. Yours truly ended up knocking it off the first time with my Savage Enfield. It was knocked off by 2 or 3 other people, all by Enfield, before I hit it (with my Enfield of course). Surprisingly two K31 shot at it with out hitting or knocking off, before we all shot I was thinking for sure a K31 would win.

Some surprises that I had is how well my Savage Enfield shot. Before the shoot I only shot the gun 10 times. I put at least 60 rounds through it and I was very comfortable with it by the time we started taking cracks at the golf ball. While not a surprise my K31 hit everything I aimed at. The M95 Hungarian did not hit a thing but that was shooter.

Take a peak at the pictures, overall it was a great time with some very fine people and shooters.